"Selena's Story" Video

Client Partner:

North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Taking Time to Stop Violence

The concept for the video was not fully conceived, which could leave the project moving in multiple directions.


Produce a video that addresses domestic violence as it enters the workplace environment.


A Great Idea produced an award-winning animated video called “Selena’s Story: Making a Case for Safe Leave,” which offers workplaces insights into creating an environment that supports those experiencing intimate partner violence.


Health + Wellness Design Awards
GDUSA (Graphic Design USA)
A Great Idea worked with me to take an idea that was not fully formed and make it into a reality. The result is an engaging video that explains how workplaces can support survivors of domestic violence through crisis. I appreciated the feedback on adjusting my script to minimize [the] use of jargon and to add concrete calls to action that viewers can take if they want to support the prevention of domestic violence.
Ruhani A.
Digital Evaluator and Organizer

Jargon-free Empathy

We helped NCCADV shape the video’s script to ensure the dialogue would be accessible, sympathetic, and engaging. This was achieved by omitting jargon and abstract language that could hinder feeling empathy toward the story.

Creative Privacy Protection

Because the narrative is based on a true story, using animation served to help protect the privacy of the individual whose story was being told. Also, by avoiding a live-action depiction, actors could not be misconstrued as having been victims of romantic partner violence due to participation in the video.